Poetry Awards and Publications

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Labour and the Irish Revolution: Sligo Talk

I'm giving a talk entitled The Irish Revolution and the Labour movement in Sligo 1912-1923 in the Hyde Room in the Glasshouse Hotel, Hyde Bridge, Sligo at 8pm on this Wednesday 20 March.

The lecture is being held under the auspices of United Left – People First and Cllr Declan Bree of People First will preside at the event. All welcome.

I'm nervous about this one, not easy to fit a coherent account of this difficult topic into 45-60 mins. I'm not a "labour historian" and my talk will be a general account of how the labour movement, Trades Council and trade unions, in Sligo operated during 1912 - 1923. It is a fascinating period and Sligo is particularly interesting because of the relative strength of labour there. The large minority of non-Catholics there also made a difference.

At the launch of my recent book in Sligo I said that the volume should be seen as the beginning of more intensive study of Sligo in that period. There is so much more to be researched and written on. This especially applies to the labour movement in Sligo and I hope that my talk will encourage some of the younger Sligo historians to undertake such research.

Mention of the talk here and here.

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