Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, November 20, 2009

Boyne Readings

Bad weather and the resultant small attendance did not spoil what turned out to be a very enjoyable Reading and Open Mic session last night in Trim. The two featured readers gave very good performances. Tom French read some poems from his first book but most of his material came from his recent publication Touching the Bones. Tom recently read with Michael Longley at the Manchester Literature Festival. Among the poems he read was Srahnamanragh which has appeared in the Manchester Review online.

The other featured reader James Lawless, read from his two novels, Peeling Oranges (2007) and For Love of Anna (2009). He has had a book of criticism Clearing the Tangled Wood: Poetry As a Way of Seeing the World published in America and his latest novel had been accepted by Words on the Street, Galway. It's not easy to read extracts from a novel and give a real flavour of the book but James succeeded by judicious mixing of explanations and extracts.

1 comment:

  1. I did pass on info to my classes, so not sure if any of them made it. The weather is having a bad effect on things like this. Still, must have been great to have star readers at your event like that. Hopefully next time the weather will be a little more clement.
