Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Come On The Bit O' Red!

Sport, you can't beat it for the unexpected. Who would have forecast the happenings in Paris on Wednesday night? Certainly not Eamon Dunphy and company.

One of the reasons following sport and watching live sport is so enjoyable is that it is impossible to predict the outcome and that at any moment during the event the unexpected may happen. It happened towards the end of the Ireland Australia rugby match last Saturday and again on Wednesday night.

I have given up watching or listening to pundits before, at half time or after matches. Listening to the commentator and his "helper" is unavoidable if you want the atmosphere of the event.

Now all eyes (well quite a few) turn to Tallaght for next Sunday's Cup Final between Sligo Rovers and Sporting Fingal. After a difficult season Rovers have avaoided relegation and reached the cup final. Normally they would be underdogs in such a match but their opponents were a first division club so Sligo will be uncomfortable favourites. We all know what can happen to favourites.

Sligo Rovers first won the cup in 1983 and won it again in 1994

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