Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, September 25, 2010

All Ireland Poetry Day - Meath, Cavan events

All Ireland Poetry Day takes place on Thursday 7th October and events will take place in most if not all counties of Ireland. Boyne Writers Group have organised a reading in St Patrick's Cathedral, Loman Street, Trim at 12 noon and one in the Resource Centre, Kells at 5pm. All are welcome to come along and read a favourite poem, one of your own poems or just listen. Picture above is of Frank Murphy reading in the Cathedral last year. A wonderful venue!

LitLab, of which I am also a member, are reading at the Chapter 1 Cafe at 8pm that evening and we are also having a reading in Virginia but the time has not been finalised yet.

I'm off to the Hawk's Rock to day to talk (briefly) about history, read a few poems, look at Conor Gallagher's art and admire the wonderful Ox Mountain scenery.

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