Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dromineer Poetry Competition

I had given up on Dromineer because I heard last week who had won the competition. Today I got an email saying that "Dave Lordan, the judge of the Poetry Competition at the 2010 Dromineer Literary Festival, has selected the following works for special merit" and two of my entries were included. I'm pleased about that - nice to be noticed. I'll probably go down for the presentations and stay for the Dave Lordan workshop the next morning.

I was talking or emailing two people recently about choosing poems to enter based on who the judge was and I have to admit that I chose my Dromineer entry with Dave in mind. however the one I though would really catch his attention isn't in the merit list. Ah well.

We also had a discussion recently about putting titles on poems to catch the judges attention. Just as a matter of interest this is the list of Dromineer special merit titles. What do you think? By the way can you guess which two are mine?

Sandymount Strand 111 (vigil)
Between the spaces of the song the song sang
The Hour
Fort Madison
Skins and all
British Museum revisited again
The poet that a poet not I declenched and a bird attracted
What I'll need for the lecture


  1. Ah, well done, Michael - 2 commendations is pretty impressive. I'd go for Fort Madison and the British Museum.
    Who won incidentally?

  2. I'd go for Skins and all and British Museum revisited again!

  3. OK so the British Museum was obvious was it? Correct but what's the other?

  4. Congratulations on Dromineer. Adding up now!

  5. Thanks Frank. British Museum and what I'll need for the Lecture were mine. Winners etc will be announced at the event Peter. Don't think there will be any announcement before that.
