This Thursday's Boyne Readings and Open Mic promised to be a special, not to be missed event. The featured reader is Noel King, writer, actor and musician, coming all the way from Tralee, Co. Kerry.
Noel's poetry, haiku, short stories, articles and reviews have appeared in publications in over thirty countries, the poetry in journals as diverse as Poetry Ireland Review, The Sunday Tribune, Studies, Bongos of the World (Japan), The Dalhousie University Review (Canada), Kotaz (South Africa), Poetry Salzburg Review (Austria) and Quadrant (Australia). Along the way he has been a singer with the famous Bunratty Castle Entertainers and has worked as an arts administrator and poetry editor.
Noel King has launched many writers through his own Doghouse Books. His book of poetry Prophesying the Past was published by Salmon last year. His poetry is a gathering together of the memories, stories and experiences that have shaped him. Often the tone is wry, melancholic, bitter even - but there is a breezy humour that occasionally bursts through. His poems are grounded in activities and people rather than in ideas.
The Readings take place in the Village Hall, Knightsbridge Retirement Village, Longwood Road, Trim and start at 8pm. As well as Noel King there will be an open mic - poetry, prose, memoir etc all welcome.
Entrance 5 euro, which includes tea/coffee and Knightsbridge home baked biscuits.
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