Poetry Awards and Publications

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Poetry Collection Launch. And finally . . .

Everything ready?
More or less.
Which, more or less?
Well . . . The books are printed.
You've seen them?
No the editor is bringing them on Monday.
So you haven't spotted the typo yet?
What typo?
There's allways a typo.
And your speech is ready?
Speech, what speech? I'm the poet not an orator.
They will expect a speech.
What sort of a speech?
Why you write poetry.
When you write poetry.
How you write poetry.
Oh! But that's what the poems are for.
Yes but what do they mean?
You have to read them.
No way, just tell us what they mean, then we'll read them.
Well, I'll introduce each one.
That's good. And some will want to know if it's you.
The fellow in the poem.
You know the "I" in the poems. 
The fellow who is tired of life, scared of death, is very religious, believes in nothing, hates modern Ireland, loves modern Ireland, loves Irish history, loves books, loves Britain, supports Manchester United.
Hey hold on. Who is that odd character?
You, judging by your poetry.
But they're only poems. They're not autobiography.
I'm disappointed, you sounded such an interesting character.
Come along and judge for yourself. 8pm Monday 21 May, Castle Arch Hotel, Trim.
Asking for Directions.
The hotel is near the traffic lights on the Summerhill Road, not to be confused with the Trim Castle Hotel.
Asking for Directions by Michael Farry, published by Doghouse Books.
Oh yes, I forgot.


  1. best of luck tonight michael! I cant wait to read the collection.

  2. Thanks Niamh. Your interest and support much appreciated.

  3. Best of luck tonight, Michael - but you won't need it! Have a great launch!

  4. Michael, best of luck and congratulations. I was hoping to pop over to Trim but it isn't looking likely. I am looking forward to reading it.
