Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, May 18, 2012

Boyne Readings & Open Mic - Tommy Murray

The May Boyne Readings & Open Mic was a most enjoyable event with featured reader, Tommy Murray (above), reading from his latest poetry collection from Lapwing, Swimming with Dolphins.

Tommy's relaxed introductions went down very well and the audience loved his short witty reflections on life, people and events.

The highlight for me however
Was swimming alongside Bono
Watching him surface and resurface
Reaching out, stroking his tail fin

from Dolphins

Tommy is launching his collection in Navan Library at 7pm on Thursday of next week, 24 May.

MC Paddy Smith (below) did his usual genial job introducing the special guest and other readers though there were audible gasps of disappointment (or relief?) when he announced that he had nothing of his own to read.

Others to read included Caroline Carey Finn (below) who read a most amusing account of a night in an Irish pub, possibly somewhere in the midland which involved off-duty soldiers, various past and present girl friends, chips and battered sausages. Hasn't Mullingar and Longford Barracks been closed?

I read two poems, one about the brother of the Prodigal Son - the fellow we all feel sorry for (or is it only me?) and one about a crucifix which originated at a workshop in the Irish Writers Centre and has been amended as a result of advice from other writers groups.

Next month's Boyne Reading and Open Mic on Thursday, 21 June, will see the launch of Orla Fay's chapbook  Drawn to the Light, the third chapbook in the Boyne Writers’ Group chapbook series.

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