Poetry Awards and Publications

Friday, October 5, 2012

Meath - All Ireland Poetry Day

The poetry reading at the Library, Navan last evening was a most entertaining event. A fantastic selection of favourite poems from all ages and of all styles. W. B. Yeats to Thomas Grey, Gary Snyder to Jenny Joseph.

One of Hilaire Belloc's Cautionary Tales was recited by heart by a lady who had learned it in school! I often read Matilda (who told lies and was burned to death) by Belloc at the readings in Knightsbridge Nursing Home and it goes down well. Full of wonderful rhymes and the whole over the top mock didactic style is great.

Poet and librarian Tom French (right) oversaw the event and Meath Writers Circle was well represented. James Linnane (below) and myself kept the Boyne Writers Group flag flying. I read the last two parts of Under Ben Bulben - Irish poets learn your trade and Under Bare Benbulben's head. I also read Father and Son by F. R. Higgins for its Trim connection but also because it a great father-son poem.

There were readings by some members of Tommy Murray's Meath Junior Writers writers who are launching an anthology soon.

Peggy Murphy also read. She is launching a DVD of her poetry collection (Dunshaughlin My Home Town) in Fergie's of Kilmessan on Friday the 12 October at 7.30 PM.

Anyway it all went very well and we made sure Poetry Day was well marked in Navan.    Below: Tommy Murray.

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