Poetry Awards and Publications

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Under Thirty : Peer-Reviewed Fiction

Under Thirty is a non-profit project that showcases young Irish fiction at home and abroad. Through a bi-annual journal, they intend to publish high quality peer-reviewed short fiction.

In this way, they will provide aspiring writers access to an audience of experienced writers, academics, publishers, (including me), who work entirely voluntarily to help them to develop their skills, and nurture them on their formative first steps into the literary world.

The most promising submissions are published in the journal, available as an e-book, and as a printed book – an award is given to one outstanding new writer in the form of a scholarship or writing retreat.

The current focus is on young writers who are resident in Ireland, and Irish writers abroad. In 2013 it is intended to expand the project to the UK and USA, and include writers of younger children’s literature of any age.

The journal is currently inviting submissions for the first issue of the journal as follows: short fiction (1,500 to 2,500 words); flash fiction (up to 500 words); longer fiction pieces in episodic form (e.g. 5,000 words over two issues).

Each submission fulfilling the entry guidelines is reviewed independently and anonymously by two members of the review panel, and finally by the editor prior to inclusion in the journal. Anonymous feedback is provided to the writer regardless of inclusion in the journal, and later resubmissions are welcome.

For full details visit the website.

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