Poetry Awards and Publications

Monday, October 8, 2012

Merriman Short Story Competition

The Merriman Short Story Competition is dedicated to the memory of the late Maeve Binchy, who was a life-long supporter of Cumann Merriman and a regular visitor to the Merriman Summer School in Co. Clare.

In 2005 Maeve wrote a special short story for the Brian Merriman bicentenary celebrations. The story, entitled ‘A Week in Summer’, was read by the author at that year’s Summer School in Lisdoonvarna and was recorded live. A limited edition of the story was subsequently published in CD and booklet form. Maeve generously donated the royalties from the US edition to Cumann Merriman, and she agreed that her donation be used to award a short story prize.

A prize of €1000 will be awarded to the winning short story, which must be original, unpublished and unbroadcast. Entries should be not more than 2,500 words in length and set in Ireland. Stories may be written in Irish or English. The competition is confined to writers born or living on the island of Ireland. The closing date for entries is October 31st 2012. Entry fee is €10.

The Merriman Short Story Competition is being run in association with Cumann Merriman, the Ennis Book Club Festival, Clare County Library and the Irish Times. The winning story will be read at the 2013 Ennis Book Club Festival and will be published in the Irish Times.Entries may be submitted by email or in hard copy.

Hard copies, accompanied by cheque or postal order made out to Cumann Merriman Teoranta should be addressed to Merriman Short Story Competition, Clare County Library, Mill Rd., Ennis, Co. Clare.

Email copies in pdf format should be sent to merrimanshortstory@gmail.com.  Accompanying entry fees must be posted to the address above.  Entries for which fees have not been received will not be considered.

Only one story per entrant will be accepted. The entrants’ names should not be written on the manuscripts but should be written on a separate sheet, along with the title of the story and full contact details (address, telephone numbers, email address). Writers’ names will not be revealed to the judging panel.

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