Saturday, January 29, 2011

Plough Poetry Prizes and a Granddaughter

Congratulations to Irish blogger Kate Dempsey who has just been announced the winner of the short poem section in The Plough Prize a very prestigious UK competition. Her winning poem, Amsterdam Otto Recommends, is here - a brilliant take on diamonds, recession, relationships, Ireland etc. And it rhymes! Well done.

Also well done to Peter Goulding, another Irish blogger, who has been short listed in the poems for children category and longlisted in the short poem category.

As for me, no listing anywhere. Ah well to more important matters. Our first granddaughter arrived Friday, Ayda Rose. She looks as if she has just parachuted in. A little information on the name here. No great granddaughter poem comes to mind but there's one by Dorothy Parker here.


Pete Goulding said...

Oh congratulations, Grandad!! Are you babysittingable?

Orla Fay said...

What a beautiful name Michael, congratulations!

AquaMarina said...

congratulations Michael! what a little darling and a lovely name! great excitement welcoming a new member to your family!

Emerging Writer said...

Thanks very much for the post and hearty congratulations and welcome to the new world citizen. She looks gorgeous.

Connie Roberts said...

Who needs the Plough when you've this little star! Congratulations, Michael! She's adorable. And I love the name!

Michael Farry said...

Thanks everyone. A little angel so far. Yes Peter I'm a well trained baby sitter.

Words A Day said...

Thats a beautiful name! Congratulations!