Relief! Last night's launch was very successful. The fog did prevent one or two contributors who were travelling a distance from attending but there was a good crowd there, a mixture of our own members, locals and writers who travelled some distance to be with us. (Above: myself, Pat Dunne and Paul Egan, our chairman.)
Pat Dunne performed the launch and gave an interesting, at times amusing, account of his writing career from school boy days to the present. His novels have been translated into eleven languages. He complimented the group on the magazine.
We had sixteen readers who read their contributions. All were appreciated by the audience. What was especially impressive was the range of styles and content. Tony Bailie came from County Down to read his poem "Wake", Geraldine Creed from Dublin read her story "Vis a Vis", Brid McDonnell and John Noonan from County Louth read their poems.
Sales were good and we even had an offer of sponsorship for future issues. All in all a great night, good feeling that another magazine has been completed, contributors are happy, we have an audience for readings and we can look forward to the next issue.
In the meantime there's the Swift Satire Competition and the Boyne Readings/Open Mic event to organise.
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