Thursday, April 14, 2011

Limerick On the Nail Reading

Dominic has put up the video of last week's Limerick On The Nail event including Susan Millar DuMars' story, my poetry and the open mic. Difficult to watch myself. Slow down even further!!

Available on On The Nail Channel.


Ann said...

I hate to hear my own voice. As a result I keep my mouth tightly shut when the video camera is rolling.

Anonymous said...

Michael I am trying to tell you that i enjoyed your reading at On the Nail in Limerick, but can't get it to post to you. Anyway if this goes just to say, I loved your accessible witty way of saying affecting things about childhood

Michael Farry said...

Thanks Ann and Anon. Not easy to listen (and look) back at yourself reading but it is a learning experience.

Pete Goulding said...

I honestly don't think it needs slowing any further - the pace seemed spot on. And your introductions were short and to the point too. That Auschwitz poem is fantastic - I never saw it coming.